Clan Ewing: Testament of Johne Ewing in Ladietone, 1649

CC9/7/30 – Glasgow Commissary Court Register of Testaments

(in margin – Ewing)

The testa[men]t dative and Inventare of the guds geir debts & sowmes of monety q[uhi]lkis
perteinit to umq[uhi]ll Johne Ewing in Ladietone w[i]thin the parochin of Bonull the tyme of
his deceis q[uh]a deceissit in the moneth of Feb[ruar]ij 1644 yeiris faythfullie maid & given
up be Alexr Ewing law[fu]ll sone to the defunct & exe[cuto]r dative surrogat in plaice of Jon
Selkrig pro[curato]r fischall to the co[m]missariat of Glasgow q[uh]a is exe[cuto]r dative
decernit to the defunctis gudis geir & debtis be decreit of the co[m]missar of Glasgow upone
the vij day of Junij 1649 as the samen beiris


Item the defunct had the tyme foirs[ai]d perteining to him the gudis & geir und[ir]wr[itt]en of
the pryces following viz In the first fyve three yeir old wedders pryce of the peice o[ve]rheid
xl sh Inde x li Item three yewis pryce of the piece o[ve]rheid xl sh Inde vj li Ite[m] aught
bollis of quhyt corne q[uhi]lk was standand in the kill pryce of the boll v li vj sh viij d Inde
xlvij li xiijsh iiijd Ite[m] also in the kill fyve bollis of malt & beir pryce of the boll o[ve]rheid
vj li Inde xxx li Ite[m] three tydie kye pryce of the peice o[ve]rheid xvj li Inde xlviij li Item
three forrow kye w[i]th th[ai]r three stirks pryce of the peice w[i]th th[ai]r followeris xvj li
(written in the margin Inde xlviij li) Item twa yeild kye & ane stirk pryce of the peice o[ve]
rheid xij li Inde xxxvj li Item twa bees skepps worth xxviij li Item of reddie money iiijct xxvj
li xiijsh iiijd Ite[m] the insycht of the hous in utinceillis & domiceillis w[i]th the abuilzeme[n]
tis of the defunctis bodie estimat worth Lxvj li xiijsh iiijd

Su[m]ma of the Inventare – vijct xLij li

Debts awand in

Item th[ai]r was awand to the defunct the tyme foirsaid the sowmes of money following Be
the persones und[ir]wr[itt]en viz In the first be Jon Ewing his sone for the rent of the Landis
of Ladietone possessit be him of the defuncts sett Lxxx li yeirlie the crope & yeir of god

1641. 1642. 1643 yeiris Inde ijct xl li Ite[m] th[ai]r was awand be him to the defunct the tyme
of his deceis foirs[ai]d jct xliiij li for the pryce of xij bolls malt bocht & ressavit be him fra
his s[ai]d umq[uhi]ll fath[e]r Item be Jon Dennestone in Dalquhairne xxvj li xiijsh iiijd for
the yeirlie a[nnual]rent of fyve hundreth m[er]kis money Immediatlie preceiding his deceis
obleisit to be payit he being on Lyfe & eftir his deceis to Alexr Ewing his sone exe[cuto]r
foirs[ai]d Item xxj li vjsh viijd for the yeiris a[nnual]rent of foure hundreth merkis awand be
Thomas Mckaulay at the New kirk of Grenock Ite[m] be him xxxij li for tua yeiris a[nnual]
rent preceiding the defunctis deceis of three hundreth m[er]kis Ite[m] be Artho[u]r Darleith
of th[a]t ilk xlij li xiijsh iiijd for the a[nnual]rent of f[ou]r hundreth merkis prin[cipa]ll awand
to the defunct the yeir preceiding his deceis Item be Ro[ber]t Cony[n]ghame in Gallangad v li
vjsh viijd for the s[ai]d yeiris a[nnual]rent of jct merkis Ite[m] be Jon Lyndsay in Tilliquyne
v li vjsh viijd for the a[nnual]rent of jct merkis Item be Jon Mckawlay in Gairlochheid Lxvj li
xiijsh iiijd prin[cipa]ll swme w[i]th viij li of penaltie at leist a[nnual]rent

Su[m]ma of the debts in – vct Lxxxxvij li vjsh viijd
Su[m]ma of the Inventare & debts – jaj iijct xxxix li vjsh viijd
To be devydit in three pairts

Deids pairt is – iiijct xlvj li viijsh xd

I George Lockhart of Tarbrex Co[m]missar of Glasgow Eftir dew warning maid be edict
oppinlie as effeiris Be the ten[n]or heirof Ratifie approve & Confirme this p[rese]nt
testame[n]t & Inventare in sua far as the same[n] is lillie and trewlie maid & given upe
Nathing ommitit furth th[ai]rof nor sett w[i]thin the just availl th[ai]rincontenit And give
and co[m]mitt full power & intromissione w[i]th the guds & geir abonewr[itt]en to the s[ai]d
exe[cuto]r dative abonespe[cife]it allanerlie w[i]th power to him to call & persew th[ai]rfoir
if need be Becaus he hes maid fayth as use is and find cawtione as law will as ane act maid
th[ai]rupo[n] at length beiris At Glasgow the xiiij day of Junij 1649 yeiris

The q[uhi]lk day co[m]peirit p[ersonal]lie Daniell Ewing portioner of Keppoch and (of his?
) awin co[n]sent actit himselff c[autione]r & sovertie for the exe[cuto]r abone namit that the
guds geir & debts co[n]tenit in the defunctis confirmit testa[men]t sall be maid furth cumand
to all p[air]ties haiffing entres as law will And The exe[cuto]r foirs[ai]d actit himselff to
freith relieve & skaythles keepE the s[ai]d c[autione]r in the premissis of all danger th[ai]
rne[n]t Q[uhai]rupone they askit acts


Procurator Fischall – he would be appointed initially as executor dative
Yewis – ewes
Quhyt – wheat
Kill – kiln
Yeild – barren
Stirk – steer
Bees skepps – bee hives
Sett – lease
Annualrent – interest
Portioner – owner of a small feu