Clan Ewing: Testament of John Euing in Ladistoune, 1675
Glasgow Commissary Court Register of Testament – CC9/7/40/528 – John Ewing in Ladistoune, 1675
(in margin – Euing
The testament dative and Inventare of the goodis geir debtis and soumes of money Quhilks
perteinit to umq[uhi]ll John Euing in Ladistoune within the parochine of Bonnill The tyme
of his deceas quho deceast in the moneth of Marche Last bypast 1675 yeirs faithfullie maid
and givin up be Jonet Darleith relict of the defunct and ex[ecut]rix dative surrogat in place of
Johne Johnes pro[curato]r fiscall of the Commissariat of Glasgow quha is ex[ecuto]r dative
decernit to the defuncts goodis geir debtis & soumes of money Be de[crei]t of the Commissar
of Glasgow his deput upon the tuentie aught day of September 1675 yeirs as the samen bears
Item the defunct had perteining and belonging to him the tyme of his deceas forsaid the
goodis and gear underw[ritt]ine of the pryces eftir (follow)ing viz in the first in the barne and
barne (yaird? possibly omitted) of corne being (word obscured by binding) corne four bolls
pryce of the boll therof with the fodder vj lib xiij (sh?) iiijd Inde xxvj lib xiijsh iiijd Item two
old kyne pryce of both xvj lib Ite[m] two old highland hors pryce of both xv lib the rest of
the bestiall being all dead Item the insight & plenisching of the defuncts hous in utincills and
domicills with the abulziements of the defuncts bodie estimat worth vj lib
Summa of the Inventare – Lxiij lib xiijsh iiijd
Noe debtis awand In
Debtis awand owt
Item ther wes adebted & awand be the defunct the tyme forsaid to J (rest of word obscured
by binding) Semple of Fullwood of ferme & dewtie the said yeir Jct xij lib xiijsh iiijd
Summa patet – Jct xij lib xiijsh iiijd
Et sic debita excedunt bona
I Sir William Fleaming of Ferme knight and baronet Commissar of Glasgow Be the tenor
heirof Eftir dew warning maid be (forme of) edict openlie as effeirs Ratifie Approve and
confirme this p[rese]nt testament dat[ive] & Inventare In swa far as the samein is leillie
& trewlie maid & givin up Nothing omittit furth therof nor set within the Just availl
therincontenit and give and commit full power of Intromissione with the goodis and gear
abovew[ritt]ine to the s[ai]d ex[ecut]or dat[ive] abovesurrogat all[an]erlie Becaus she hath
maid faith as use is and fund ca[io]ne as law will As ane act maid therupon at lenth bears att
Glasgow the tuentie aught day of September 1675 yeirs
In the past the letters ‘u’, ‘v’ and ‘w’ were interchangeable and so while the surname has been spelt Euing by the clerk that would have been his preference for spelling it that way
I have given personal and place names capitals