Clan Ewing: Testament of Patrick Ewing maltman burges of Dumbartane
CC9/7/34 – Glasgow Commissary Court Register of Testaments
(in margin – Ewing)
The testa[men]t dative and inven[ta]r of the gudis geir debtis & sowmes of mo[n]ey q[uhilks
perteinit to Patrick Ewing maltman burges of Dumbartane w[i]thin the burgh and parochine
th[air]of the tyme of his deceis who deceist in the moneth of Maij Last bypast Jajvjct and
thrie scoir fyve yeiris faithfullie made & givin up be Allexr Ewing in Lettirkenny in Ireland
brother german & exe[cuto]r dative decernit to the defunctis guids geir & debts Be de[crei]t
of the Comissar of Glesgow his dep[u]t upon the fyftin day of Julij Jajvjct and thrie scoir fyve
yeiris as the samy[n] beires
Item the defunct being ane old man had no uther guidis not geir except the insight &
plenisching of his house in utincellis & domicellis w[i]th the abuilzementis of the defunctis
awine body (by & attour the airschep) estimat worth xij lib
Su[m]ma of the Invent[ar] patet = xij lib
Debts awand in
Item ther was awand to the defunct the tyme fors[ai]d the sowmes of mo[n]ey following be
the persounes underwr[itt]in viz In the first Be the Lairdis of Ardincaple elder & yo[unge]
r iiijct prin[cipa]ll sowme with vj li of bygaine an[nual]rent Item be Jon Sempell fiar of
Fullwod jct Lxvj li xiijsh iiijd prin[cipa]ll sowme Item of bygaine an[nual]rent v li Item be
the Lairdis of Airdoch elder & yo[unge]r jct xxxiij li vjsh viijd prin[cipa]ll sowme be thame
w[i]th iiij li of bygaine an[nual]rent Item be Ar[chibal]d Buntine of Geilstoune & W[illia]
m Buntine of Airdoch his cau[tione]r ijct Lxvj li xiijsh iiijd prin[cipa]ll sowme w[i]th viij
li of bygaine an[nual]rent Item be Mr Jon Stewart minister at Bonill & his cau[tione]r jct
li prin[cipa]ll w[i]th iij li of bygaine an[nuel]rent Item be Mungow Lindesay in Balloch &
his cau[tione]r be band Lxvj li xiijsh iiijd prin[cipa]ll sowme w[i]th (amount unreadable)
of bygaine an[nual]rent Item be Jon Ewing in Naiperstoune & his cau[tione]r of prin[cipa]
ll sowme be band Liij li vjsh Item of bygaine an[nual]rent th[air]of xxxv sh Item be Jonet
Lindsay in (unreadable) & her cau[tione]r xl li prin[cipa]ll sowme w[i]th xxvij sh of byrun
an[nual]rent Item be Margret Lang spous to Donald Mitchell in Ledditoun of borrowit mo[n]
ey v li xviijsh iiijd
Su[m]ma of the debts in – ijaj ijct Lxiijli xiijsh
Su[m]ma of the inven[ta]r & debtis – ijaj ijct Lxxv li xiijsh
To be dividit in tua p[air]tes
Deidis p[air]t is – jaj jct xxxvij li xvj sh 8d
Quota xlv li x sh ijd
I Mr W[illia]m Flyming of Ferme Comissar of Glesgow Be the tennor heirof eft[ir] dew
warning made be edict openlie as effeiris Ratifie approve and conferme this p[rese]nt
testa[men]t & inven[tar]e in sua far as the samy[n] is leillie & trewlie made & givin up
nathing omittit furth th[ai]rof nor set w[i]thin the just availl th[ai]rin and give and comitt full
power of intromissioune with the gudis geir & debtis abovewr[itt]in to the s[ai]d exe[cuto]r
dat[ive] above surrogat allanerlie and if neid beis to call & persew th[air]foir Because he hes
made faith as use is and fund cau[tio]une as law will as ane act made th[air]upon Att lenth
beiris Givin att Glesgow the twenty sexth day of Julij Jajvjct and thrie scoir fyve yeiris
The q[uh][lk day c[om]peirit personallie James Hamiltone wryter pro[curato]r speciallie
constitut be the p[air]tie oblisator eft[ir] spe[cife]it and consentis for the reg[istrat]ione
of the band underwr[itt]ine in the Comissaris buikis q[uhi]lk the s[ai]d Comissar dep[u]t
admittit q[uhai]rof the tenor follows I W[illia]m Ewing elder maltman burges of Dumbartane
as cau[tion]er & sovertie for Allexr Ewing in Lettirkenny in Ireland brother germane &
exe[cuto]r dat[ive] confermit to Patrick Ewing maltman burges of Dumbartane Bindis &
obleisis me my airis & exe[cut]oris that the s[ai]d exe[cuto]r sall mak the gudis geir & debtis
contenit in the s[ai]d confermit testa[men]t furth cumand to all p[air]ties haveand entres as
Law will and I Daniell Mitchell me[rchan]d burges of the s[ai]d burgh does hereby attest the
abovewr[itt]in cau[tione]r and I the s[ai]d Allexr Ewing exe[cuto]r bindis & obleisis me &
my successoris to warrand & skaithles keep my s[ai]d cau[tione]r of his cau[tion]rie for me
in the premissis & of all danger & expensis he sall incurr th[air]throw consenting thir p[rese]
nts be reg[ist]rat in the buikis of counsell & sessione or Commissaris buikis of Glesgow
that exe[cutoria]lles of horning & utheris neidfull may heirupon pas on sex dayes warning
In witnes q[uhai]rof thir p[resen]tis (wr[itt]ine be James Hamiltoune wryt[er] in Glesgow &
sub[scry]and as follows) at Dumbartane the twenty saxth day of Julij Jajvjct and thrie scoir
fyve yeiris Before thir witnessis Thomas Walker S[he]reff clerk of Dumbartane inserter of
the cau[tione]r, witnessis & day of the moneth & Ro[ber]t McArthour burges of the burgh
(clerk’s copies of signatures follow)
The q[uhi]lk day in p[resen]s of the Commissar dep[u]t Compeired personallie Allexr Ewing
in Lettirkenny in Ireland onlie brother german & exe[cuto]r confirmit to Patrick Ewing
maltman burges of Dumbartane quha protestit q[uha]tsomevir gudis geir debts or sowmes
of mo[n]ey q[uhi]lkis pertenit to the defunct the tyme of his deceis not as yet come to his
knowledge or desperat debt allreddie knawine & uncertaine to be recoverit that it mycht
be law[fu]] & leasome be him to eik & conferme the samy[n] at any tyme heireft[ir] to the
defunctis prin[cipa]ll confermit testa[men]t & be duly confermit th[ai]rwith payand the
ordiner dewes for quota & conferma[tio]ne Q[uhi]lk protesta[tio]une the s[ai]d Comissar
dep[u]t admittit & admitis in sua far as Law will q[uhai]rupon the s[ai]d exe[cuto]r askit acts
& instru[ment]es
See transcription of 1667 Eik