Clan Ewing: Testament of Finlay Ewing in Ladytoun, 1589
CC8/8/20 – Edinburgh Commissary Court Register of Testaments
(in margin – Finlay Ewing, xxj Junij 1589)
The testame[n]t dative and Inve[n]tar of the guidis geir sowmes of mo[n]ey & dettis
perteni[n]g to umq[uhi]le Finlay Ewing in Ladytoun w[i]thin the parochin of Bullull and
S[he]refdome of Du[m]bartane the tyme of his deceis quha decessit ab intestato in the moneth
of Aprile the yeir of god Jajvc Lxxxviij yeiris fay[thfu]lie maid & gevin up be Jonet Fynlay
his relict spous in name & behalf of Johne, Robert, W[illia]m, Finlay, Donald, Alex[ande]r,
Patrik, W[illi]a[m] (sic), Thomas, Mungo, Katherene and Cristiane Ewingis th[air] law[fu]
ll bairnes exe[cuto]ris datives decer[n]it to th[air] unq[uhi]le fader be decreit of Mr W[illi]
a[m] Chirnsyd parsoun of Luis and commissar of Glasgow as the samy[n] decreit of the dait
at Glasgow the nynth day of Aprile the yeir of god Jajvc Lxxxix yeiris at lenth proportis
In the first the said umq[uhi]le Finlay Ewing in Ladytoun had the guidis geir sowmes of
mo[n]ey & dettis of the availl & prices eft[ir] following perteni[n]g to him the tyme of his
deceis foirsaid viz Item ane hors by the hereauld (hors crossed out) price ten pundis Item ane
young ox of four yeir auld p[ri]ce thairof viij lib Item fyve tydie ky price of the pece o[ve]
rheid vj li xiijs iiijd Su[m]a xxxiij li vjs viijd Item mair thrie young quoyis of tua yeir auldis
price of the pece o[ve]rheid iij lib vjs viijd Su[m]a li Item fyve scheipe price of the pece
o[ve]rheid xxs Su[m]a v li Item sawin on the ground xx bollis aittis estimat to the thrid corne
extending to Lx bollis aittis price of the boll w[i]th the fodder xls Su[m]a jc xx li Item mair
tua bollis beir awin estimat to the feird corne extending to aucht bollis beir price of the boll
w[i]th the fodder iij li Su[m]a xxiiij li Item in utencilis & domicilis w[i]th the abuilzeme[n]tis
of his body estimat to the sowme of xx lib mo[n]ey
Su[m]a of the Inve[n]tar – ijc xxx lib vjs viijd
Followis the dettis awin to the deid
Item th[air] was awin to the said umq[uhi]le Finlay Ewing in Ladytoun be John Lyndesay
of Bullhill of borrowit mo[n]ey the sowme of xx li mo[n]ey Item be M[argare]t Ewing in
Reidburne the sowme of iiij lib xiijs iiijd Item awin be Thomas King th[air] iiij lib
Su[m]a of the dettis awin to the deid – xxviij lib xiijs iiijd
Su[ma] of the Inve[n]tar w[i]th the dettis – ijc Lix lib
Followis the dettis awin be the deid
Item th[air] was awin be the said umq[uhi]le Finlay Ewing in Ladytoun to the Laird of
Nobilstoun for the maill of the ground in a[nn]o Jajvc Lxxxviij yeiris the sowme of viij li
Su[m]a of the dettis awin be the deid – viiij lib
Restis of frie geir the dettis deducit – ijc Lj lib
To be dividit in thrie p[air]tis deidis p[air]t is Lxxxiij li xiijs iiijd
Q[uhai]rof the quot is componit for – Lsh
(in margin – quotta – Lsh
We m[aiste]ris Jon Prestoun etc und[er]standing th[a]t eft]ir] dew su[m]moni[n]g & law[fu]
ll…… (this Confirmation Clause obviously continues on p. 281)
I have transcribed proper nouns with capital letters ‘is’ is silent and so reads ‘s’ The clerk who copied this testament into the register would be based in Edinburgh and obviously has misread Bonhill as Bulhill
Luis – Luss
Tydie ky – cows in calf
Quoyis – heifers
Aittis – oats
Beir – barley
Thrid corne – third corn; feird corne – fourth corn, i.e yields
Maill – rent
Hereauld – the best beast given to the landlord on the death of the tenant