Clan Ewing: Particular Register for Sasines for the Argyll, Dunbarton, Arran, Bute and Tarbert
The first series (RS9) consists of 3 volumes which run from 1617-57.
There is a gap between it and the second series (RS10) which only starts in 1673 and runs from there to date.
Alexander Ewing of Ladrishbeg, portioner of Balloch & Blarquhan
RS9/3 f. 132 – registered 8 January 1655. It records that on the 28 November 1654 in presence of the notary and witnesses, Alexander Ewing in Nether Balloch presented a charter containing a precept of sasine in his favour which had been granted by Sir John Colquhoun of Luss of the ten shilling land and teinds of Nether Balloch lying in the parish of Bonill and Sheriffdom of Dunbarton. It had been written at Glasgow on the 9 January 1654 and witnessed by David Colquhoun of Mylntone, Archibald Colquhoun in? Kilpatrick, William Colquhoun, writer in Glasgow and Mr John Wardrope, writer there. Sasine was given to Alexander Ewing on the ground of the lands of Nether Balloch by Mr John Wardrope (who had been appointed as baillie for that occasion by Sir John Colquhoun) at 10 am in presence of Gilleise Makarthour, in Duchleise, Patrick Ewing in Nobilstone, and John Lindsays elder and younger in Nether Balloch
RS9/3 f. 135 – registered 8 January 1655. On the 4 December 1654, Alexander Ewing in Nether Balloch produced a contract which had been made between himself on the one part and Patrick and John Mackinlayes, with the consent of Sir John Colquhoun of Luss, on the other part in which they had granted him the 10 shilling lands of Nether Balloch with the teinds lying in the parish of Bonill. He was given sasine by John Macklintoche, in Balloch, baillie appointed for that occasion in the precept of sasine which had been written at Balloch on the 28 November 1654 and witnessed by Gilleise McArthour in Duchleise and Patrick Mackmerquis in Dumbarton. Giving of sasine to Alexander Ewing took place at 11 am before Patrick Mackinlay in Balloch, John Macklintoche in Balloch, Patrick Ewing in Nobilstone and Michael Macklintoche, son to Michael Macklintoche in Balloch
Donald (Duncan) son of William Ewing in Barrindroman
RS9/2 f. 104 – registered 14 July 1649. Renunciation by Donald Ewing to the Marquis of Argyll of salmon fishing. He had been served heir retoured to his deceased father, William Ewing in Barrindroman and had now been paid 800 merks by the Marquis, with the advice of his curators, in order to redeem the salmon fishing and draughts on the lands of Killnynvare, the lands of Barnacarrie called Skerridow and the half merklands of Auhnafawll lying in the Lordship of Lorne which had been wadset to William Ewing, chamberlain of Mukarne, his father by John McDougall of Ragray. The contract with his father had been made at Barrindroman on the 20 January 1625. Having been repaid, Donald Ewing renounced all claims he might have to the salmon fishing.
RS9/2 f. 155 – registered 1 January 1651. This records that in March 1650, the Marquis of Argyle had redeemed the four merk lands of Barrindroman and Barchiryell? with the mill which had been wadset to William Ewing, Donald’s father on the 22 March 1633. Donald had now been paid 7,200 merks Scots (which included interest). His Discharge or Renunciation was written by John Zuile, servitor to George Campbell, Sheriff depute of Argyll at Inveraray on the 7 June 1649 and witnessed by Coline Campbell of Lochnanell, Neill Carswall sometime of Carnaskie, the said George Campbell and John Yuile, plus the Marquis’s tutors – Archibald Campbell of Dunstaffnage, Dougall Campbell of Inneraw, Archibald oig Campbell in Strongormich
This sasine is followed by another of the same date on f. 156 (written in Latin) recording that Donald Ewing had taken title to the two lots of land (described in the previous sasine), as heir to the wadset through his father before witnesses Archibald McEandow vic Lachlane miller & John McCalum in (blank), Malcolm (surname unreadable) in Stronchermicke and Nigel McArthour, son to Duncan McArthour, the notary
RS9/2 f. 136 – registered on the16 June 1650 (written in Latin) – Sasine to Donald Ewing of the lands of Kilmachronag and Achnalemone, lying in the parish of Killespikerrell. A charter containing a precept of sasine which had been granted by George Campbell, administrator and curator of John Campbell of Calder, his brother german, in his (Donald’s) favour and which had been granted by John Campbell of Calder to Donald’s father. The precept had been written at Inverarary on the 6 May 1650. Sasine took place on the ground of the lands at 4 pm in presence of John McCowan in Kilmachronag, Nigel McArthour in Achavaich, Duncan Roy Mcillegleis, servitor to John Campbell fiar of Dunstaffnage and Charles McArthour servitor to Archibald Campbell of Croachan
William Ewing in Dunstafanis
RS9/1 f. 185 registered 12 November 1621 (written in Latin) – On the 5 November 1621, William Ewing in Dunstafanis, son of Alexander Ewing elder presented an Obligation which had been granted to him by his father of the six penny lands of Achnalemone, lying in the barony of KiImachronag and Sheriffdom of Argyll
RS9/1 f. 186 registered on the same day. He presented a charter containing a precept of sasine which had been granted by Sir John Campbell of Calder of the wadset of the lands of Achnalemone and Kilmachronag which was redeemable for £1,000 Scots. It had been written at Inveraray on the 7 June 1649